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Windows Hacking

>>New: As we heard that Microsoft officially closed security updates for Windows XP on 
8th Apr 2014. But here you can do Security Updates for Windows XP. Below method can updates your Windows XP up-to April 2019.


1. Open Notepad 
2. Copy and paste the follow code

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

3.Save file as .reg extension 
4. Double click on it 

When it runs then it you automatically get notification for Windows Update.


>>Open COMMAND PROMPT while Locked by User.
>open notepad
> then save as cmd.bat at desktop
>then enter now its open.....enjoy

>>If your computer is slow?
then clean up the ram..

>Open notepad
>type FREEMEM=SPACE(64000000)
>Save it as ram.vbs
now run the script.
Check out !!

>>CracK BIOS Password
>Open the CPU
>Observe the Motherbord
>Remove the Silver Battery(3v)
>Wait 2 minutes and place the Battery
>>Restoring a Lost Desktop-
Type a period " . "
Then press Enter

>>If ur PC is hanged then do this.
Press shift+ctrl+esc or ctrl+alt+del
n den click on 'END TASK'
ur PC is runing now

>>create folder without name
>select any folder
>rename it
>press alt & type 0160 or 255

>>Amazing trick for use
Windows Backup Utility if installed
go to run
type ntbackup
Now use backup

>>Increase the speed of your file sharing
Simple Way to Share Multiple Folders :
Goto Run and Type SHRPUBW.EXE then press Enter
Select the folder you want to share and Set permissions,
your share folder is ready now.....  

>>Turning off the Help on Min, Max, Close Icons
When the mouse goes over the minimize, maximize and close icons on the upper
right hand side of a window.

To disable that display:
1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
3. Create a String Value called MinMaxClose
4. Give it a value of 1
5. Reboot

1.Load XP cd into cd drive

2. go to Run

3. type sfc/scannowok

4. Then copy its lost file frm cd. 

what i prefer is %temp% " without quotes.. at Start -> Run.. this opens ur temp folder n den u cal erase it nearly
First go into gpedit.msc
Next select -> Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Terminal Services/Temporary Folder
Then right click "Do Not Delete Temp Folder Upon Exit"
Go to properties and hit disable. Now next time Windows puts a temp file in
that folder it will automatically delete it when its done! Note from Forum Admin: Remember, GPEDIT (Group Policy Editor) is only available in XP Pro.


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